Working in the devil’s territory
Twee collega’s en goede vrienden vertellen in een interview over hun jarenlange ervaringen als zendelingen in Bolivia en hoe zij Gods goede nieuws naar de meest onwaarschijnlijke plaatsen brachten:
In 2012, they faced new opportunities and challenges after relocating to Potosí, in Bolivia, where there’s a need to share Christ’s love with the mining communities. The miners of Potosí work in some of the darkest places on earth, physically and spiritually, and most have never heard God’s good news of salvation.
“Because of the work they do underground, the miners feel like they’re working in the devil’s territory and so make sacrifices to an image of the devil at the entrance to every mine. … If anyone didn’t participate in the offerings to the devil, the miners thought they could bring bad luck to the whole crew.”
Getting access into the mines to share the gospel wasn’t going to be easy, …